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JIM MELON LEGION @danomano65

Age 37, Male



Portland, OR

Joined on 9/18/06

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Wait- it's nearly over already!? After only twelve episodes? No way...

its actually been like 15 or 16. the finale is in two weeks and is two hours long. im not complaining. it's going to be EPIC.

Can't wait to meet up with you and Hans down at Comic-Con, should be a good laugh.

Hey. I'm a humongous lost fan myself. It's fantastic that damon and carlton got abc to set an end date for the show so they can know exactly how many episodes are left to tell their story. I also think that because they're not dragging it out to last as long as possible, that the show will be remembered one day as a classic about the "island" like a book or a great movie. I agree this season's been just fantastic but I wish we could've gotten just a few more episodes!

I'm just talking and talking so i'll shut up but i'm just glad to see another lost fan here on newgrounds. It's refreshing not to hear a 13 year old say "They're making it up as they go along!"

oh Lost is awesome. You don't have to apologize about ranting about that. lol

Here in Belgium, lost season 4 hasn't started yet :(...I guess i'l have to be patient...

Why on earth would you see crap like Speed Racer twice?

i liked it actually.

Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Yep Lost is on top form at the moment! This is probably my favourite series of the four, and the cliffhanger for two weeks instead is killing me. Will they get off the island this season? I am beggining to question that, as in the ending of the last episode every O6 member is in a different area. I've never been so hyped for a Lost episode, but at least there's Indy 4 next thursday to ease the pain.

Oh btw I didn't come here just because of LOST, I orginally came here to find out about how your work is going. Sounds good.

I agree. Indy 4 will sooth some of the woes caused by waiting for an awesome finale.


there is seasons 1,2,3,4 THEN 5 and 6!!!!

I fucking hate lost, although ive never seen it :D, or the office XD!!

that's unfortunate and makes you sound quite ignorant.

I don't care much for Lost. I think I remember one of the members of the staff describing it as a "dangling carrot that you never can reach" or something like that, which is basically how I feel about it.

Iron Man was absolutely incredible =D

Claire is the sister of Jack.
Also Tom is gay.
Michael is the spy of Ben.
Jack is a pussy lately.
Sun killed Jin.
Hurley is infact a rapper.


dude, if Hurley busted out as a rapper in a flash back/forward I'd shit myself. lol

yes way! but its gonna ssuck when its over but its kinda weird ben finally turns out to be a good guy!

''I don't care much for Lost. I think I remember one of the members of the staff describing it as a "dangling carrot that you never can reach" or something like that, which is basically how I feel about it.''

People just can't handle having to wait for their mysteries to be solved. LOST is in a position where you now are wondering which mystery will be solved next, when will we see the monster next, that stuff is thrilling. For the dedicated Losties it is increidibly rewarding to watch now, for those with little attention span, I pity them.



dude, I don't even know what that means. Although I may have an idea that it pertains to the Vile Vorticies theory. You should look that up on Lostpedia.com

Lost = gay
TV shows in general = gayer

Never even seen an episode of LOST honestly. Ain't much of a fan of shows like that. Lookin' forward on how your new stuff looks. Rock on. :3

I think I'm going to be going to Comic-Con! So I hope to see ya there.

Sweet. I can't wait for it. I'll be at the Castle Crashers expo playin that shit a lot.

I'd never really watched lost before season 3, and i thought it was only alright, but this season I think is really spectacular and I think the story is coming together a lot better. Can't wait for the finale!

How do you not know what that means?
Jacob tells locke that they have to move the island, so locke, ben, and hurley go to the orchid!

Oh wait, do you mean, you know what I'm talking about, you just don't know how they'll do it?

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