you cut quite a bit out
But it's cool
Arrive without traveling.
Age 37, Male
Portland, OR
Joined on 9/18/06
you cut quite a bit out
But it's cool
Alright.... that is cool....
wow thank you so much for making that. Must've been one hell of a bitch to edit. I'm so excited for the season finale but fuck I'm working so I'm going to miss it!! I'll rush home and watch it online I guess. Very bizarre that the furthest flash forward is the first one we saw. That's lost for you.
the game makes more sense of it all
Love Lost. It's finally getting back on track after some lame times in season two and three.
what did you think of the finale?
In 8:42, you are one hardcore Lostie :P.
The season 4 finale was great, it didn't have the incredible shockwaves of some of the other finales, as the change of pace after the freighter event, but still very exciting and of course setting up great events to come. I think season 4 has been the best so far, and in LOST standards that truly is amazing.
How do you reckon next season will be? I am thinking it will start from what we saw in the final scene, and switch back to flash backs. Not sure whether we will keep changing between the Islanders and the O6 though. :S
Cool vid!
Tears came out my eyes when
Jun died
That's uncertain. and it's Jin.
Think its pretty certain the boat he was exploded
A whole 6 moths wait for the next part
Well I guess there heroes
i love heroes.
Who doesn't?
3 hour premier awesome
don't you realize that lost now has the flash forward for the end. do it again do it again. add the end
So when is office spider 6 coming?
it's 5. and i'm working on it this week actually. made some progress today.
Ahh cool the video made an argument
Woah, that was cool, thanks!