Dude that is awesome. Now paint your hair green and you are in business lol
Arrive without traveling.
Age 37, Male
Portland, OR
Joined on 9/18/06
Dude that is awesome. Now paint your hair green and you are in business lol
couldn't find any spray. i guess they hold out on it till halloween.
Dan... stop playing with make up dude.
May I kiss you?
For some reason last night as I was falling asleep, I was imaging a website where it's like HD streaming video of some dude who looks like the joker, but as he talks about stuff and motions his hands, real-time 3D rendered tiles (Flash) spin and fly around and sparkle, like it's some sadistic Crow / Joker dude who is just showing you neat things. I have no idea what was going on but it would make an interesting website. Like picture some creepy clown dude just pulling icons off the front page and the icons are 3D tiles and I have no idea what I'm talking about nevermind.
I couldn't help but notice in the main pic that you don't have any make-up on your eye-lids. I will be so bold as to assume that this is because you required the use of both eyes while applying it.
An observation I've made while watching my bird (girlfriend) applying her eye make-up is that she closes one eye with which to have the make-up applied while her other eye remains open. She uses the open eye to effectively "see what she is doing".
The process is then repeated but in the reverse order or, to put it in layman's terms: her closed eye becomes her open eye and her open eye becomes her closed eye.
It's just another example of what separates men from women.
im glad i didn't do it perfectly!
Lol i want to see the pineapple express
love your stuff...but one question...whats the name of the metal in ur part in the mgs collab?
why so serious?
Thats even messier than the original Joker!