View Profile danomano65
Arrive without traveling.

JIM MELON LEGION @danomano65

Age 36, Male



Portland, OR

Joined on 9/18/06

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nice, when i looked really quick, i thought it was a giant bug. But i can't wait.The line art looks good so far.

first comment.

thanks man. you are one of my regular supporters. i appreciate all of it.

Very nice. I like the alien-ness of everything, how it looks semi-organic. That blog part sounds cool, too. Its gonna be a good movie.

I'm glad you think so. The blog will open several weeks before the cartoon starts. There are things in it that take place before the series premiere. I'll have a link to that at some point.

also, do you use a wacom, or do you draw and then scan and go over it? just wondering.

i use a wacom. I drew it out in gray and went over it in black.

PERHAPS Muse...Perhaps, Sir? You gotta have Muse! Nah I'm sure whatever you choose will fit great, the art looks awesome. But Muse does always add something extra. Also I think the weekly episode thing is a cool Idea so take your time. Good Luck with the rest. The E-Surance commercials Rock! And so will this.

I'm going away from the look of those commercials. but I will say that originally the face was inspired. so now i have the final face from a few alterations. I'm glad you think the weekly episode thing will work. I want it to have a TV show appeal.

That is pretty awesome. I am really excited about her recording her experiences in the blog which can be accessed by everyone. It is making the series ever so interesting and unique.

So far no matter what you've created has been known by the lots of the INTERNET...sorry about that got carried away, but I hope this ends in more success like all of your movies lulz...And the art...damn thats good-looking...Hope you have more success.



Wow! Looks awesome,glad you updated the screenshot. Good luck,think this is gonna be big :)

the blog feature sounds interesting, ill check it out when u release it =D

and i saw that organic weapon u told me off but i cant figure what it is =( a punching glove sort of thing?

Hey it changed from last night...WTF!?!?!...But annnnnyyyways it still looks great and the colors make it look alien-ny(?) but still good work...I wish I had some skills in the art department...

zomg i loves all your flash mostly halomen can u draw us a sketch of master chief with out hes helmet plzzzz thx dano

YAY your movies are fun!! attention please... this comment was left by from an eleven year old little boy!