View Profile danomano65
Arrive without traveling.

JIM MELON LEGION @danomano65

Age 37, Male



Portland, OR

Joined on 9/18/06

Exp Points:
4,282 / 4,440
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Vote Power:
6.20 votes
Portal Security
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B/P Bonus:
2y 6m 30d


Happy to hear that Office Spider will live on... I just love that f'ing thing...

Looking forward to more ALEX SERYOUA, and see ya at Comic-Con! My whole life revolves around finishing CC before Comic-Con... like a prisoner digging a hole to freedom.

I can't wait to see it. It looks to be a great game. I just wish you could sell it as a CD form instead of having to download it through the Xbox Live because my internet is so sluggish and terrible. Took forever just to get the Alien Hominid Demo on my console.

Do you have dial up or something?
Because if you do they have the new satelite internet...I have dial up my self and I'm thinking of getting Hugh's Net

dun dun dunnn.... the satellites are where it starts. and then they broadcast the signal to take over the world!!!

Man. I'm glad to see you're getting everything together. Not to much longer and Han's comic page will be do. Kinda nerve racking. Anyways bro. Good luck.

yeah, i'm scrambling to get it together. I have a russian literature class i have yet to read a book in. kinda sucky on my part.

Hey so I was thinking of this really great idea for a cartoon and like I could write it and maybe you could animate it and it would be a really funny and also like really good animated like Disney stuff and you could make it maybe you could write it too?

Sounds fascinating. All that matters is how realistic it is.

Don't think I'll make it there this year, but I'm hoping to head to Comic Con for '09.

Enjoy yourselves.

Looking forward to more Office Spider.

it's going to be a blast.

Eagerly awaiting it man :]

Tom kept the other on FP for a looooong Time :U

yeah that made me happy. inside.



Great working dude you rock ya im happy to know that offic spider is still alive

yeah i just have to make it now! haha

It looks like you've got a lot of stuff in the works. I esspicaly can't wait for Knee Deep in Death 3 , well that and Alex Seryoua.

Well anyways... keep up the good work

oh i've been thinking of the KDID3 story for a while. it's going to be insane.


i agree.

you like Bloc Party too :D
Hey your an awesome artist, good luck on Alex Seryoua 2!

saw them twice in concert.. actually two nights in a row due to a ticketmaster fuck up. but it was awesome.

wow u sure got busy with all those animation and real life issues to take care off =O if u manage to organize ur time well i guess it wont be a problem after all =P i want to go to comic con but coming as a complete stranger in the NG community makes me feel odd, i gotta make a hit flash before managing to go hahaha

hey man! good to see you on NG once in a while!

this images is like a real newgrounds.com!

You're TANKMEN art is flawless.


HOLY CRAP!!! nice drawing. that's amazing.

suddenly i crave oreos.

I don't want to read all that writing, so I'll just comment on the pretty picture:

That's a pretty picture.

I think you'll win :)


dude your tankmen art is fucking awsome! one of my favs in the contest. good luck.

i appreciate it.


Kangman : i didnt know anyone had dail-up anymore. Nice pic!!

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