The OFFICE SPIDER Game has a programmer now!
DreamworX is a programmer located in Sweden and has agreed to help me develop the game I have in mind. The game itself will serve as Episode 6 in the series and the events that take place will lead into the cartoon movie Episode 7. You will be able to collect TPS reports for points in order to gain webbing abilities. I'm really excited about it. Sometime in the summer, I will also return to the ALEX SERYOUA schedule I had in mind. Things have gotten a little out of hand recently due to collabs. Although I denounced it originally, I have been rolling ideas for another HALOMEN around in the back of my head. But that would only happen after I have my original content complete. But... that said, there is hope for a third.
In the mean time, here is a picture of a Steampunk Cellular Device I drew up today. You may view it larger here. Enjoy.
WOW... look awesome man..
is fantastic
& DreamworX was a good election.. he is great
it'll be interesting developing a solid game. it'll be my first real one.