Hello everyone. I'm here to announce that I have a new programmer. woadraiders will be taking knugen's place. He is a young NG member, but I have seen some of his games in progress and he seems to know what he's doing. I am giving him a chance.
Episode 6 is in production. I have a new plot to aim for. I had announced earlier that this episode would actually be a game, but I have changed my mind. Episode 7 will be the game. Exciting.
Here is an OFFICE SPIDER Poster.
Click here for the wallpaper!
Hey bro, love your stuff man. Halomen was awesome. Listen, i play xbox a lot and i was wondering if you wanna play a little. Send a friend request to Spartan A81 and we'll play COD4, K?
maybe in a couple of days. my xbox is at my apartment and i've been crashing at my gf's. but i'm moving my xbox to her place monday.