Ok. So I've been out of the Newgrounds loop for a while. Made a flop with the Knee Deep 3. It wasn't long enough. I didn't put my heart into it. I've decided to go back to my roots. Again. Make an episode worth watching.
I have about a minute done of OFFICE SPIDER 6. I had a game planned for this episode. That failed miserably since my computer crashed. I was also working on an episode, which would have been 7. Both of the .fla files were lost. So this is an original episode. I plan on making it a decent length. Spending a lot of time on this one. It'll be funny too. At least I think so.
That's all the news I have for now.
THIS SHIRT CANNOT CONTAIN MY CHEST. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Can't wait man. Again, there should be an office spider collection. Just putting that out there people