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JIM MELON LEGION @danomano65

Age 37, Male



Portland, OR

Joined on 9/18/06

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Posted by danomano65 - December 29th, 2008

So I got into HEROES because of my brother and step-dad. They let me borrow season 1 when it first came out on DVD. I didn't follow it on tv at all. I found the show to be well paced and a good vision of how real people would deal with super powers. And the end of the world crap. The season came to a close at a sort of cool battle with Sylar, the visions and paintings were all converging, blah blah.

Season 2 was sort of hard to watch, although the story actually made sense in it's own way. The writer's strike is partly to blame for its lacking. I even saw the Season 3 premiere at Comic Con and was stoked by how they incorporated the cliffhanger ending and the idea of everyone getting powers. Everyone cheered when Suresh injected himself and was strong. As the season went, I became less interested. The show seemed to be backtracking, going in circles.

The Season 3 finale, which I just watched on Hulu, was the worst episode of the season in my opinion. And has officially ruined my interest in the show. Nothing about the finale made sense. Claire's mom appears out of no where, only to complete a storyline that was dumb from the beginning. Especially how her and her brother caused that train wreck that Claire ran into in Season 1. Sylar becomes Jigsaw for a brief moment, locking everyone in the Company and making Claire choose who to save or some shit. People are losing their powers left and right. Hiro is hanging from a flag pole in the past, only to be brought back by Ando and Daphne because Ando now can supercharge other people's powers. Obviously if he touches Daphne, she'd be able to move sooo fast that she can time travel. Both ways. Does she just run in the opposite direction?

Then to top it all off, Nathan meets up with the President, gives him a folder of pictures and files, and expects him to believe that these people have super powers. Oh, and they should lock everyone up like in X-Men. So many people died in this season, I'm just waiting to see the new batch of heroes that have been minding their own business out in the world while all this shit has been going down. The show is running out of powers anyways. I thought the guy making vortexes was enough. What's next? Super hearing? Oh wait, they already did that one. Well they reused flying 3 times. Why not.

Also, the plot is always the same. Saving the world. Human bombs. Viruses. Everyone having powers. Maybe they should fight global warming next. Ohh oh, but PLOT TWIST. It's actually some guy making underground dams so that communities think it's global warming and will fund his business. Wait. Quantum of Solace did that. Yeah, that movie sucked too. Yeahh, lets just have them be fugitives. GODDAMN IT! X-MEN!

Yeah this show sucks now.

I have now decided to make a Queeroes Collab. I'll make a post in the forums. I'll organize it KartuneHustlla and anyone else interested in tearing down this son of a bitch season.
More info HERE.

Additional Comments:

KartuneHustla- "u know what, i wish sylars character was written to make sense. he is always changing. Hes like the easiest to change. im evil, no good, i love you ellie, now im gonna kill you, your my father, your not my father."



hahaha, this is the best rant ever! Heroes makes no sense anymore

Haha, thats true. The last was the worst. I cant wait to see the global warming plot twist.

Here's an Idea, make a parody on 'queerores.'

haha isn't that a cartoon on NG somewhere?

I really tried getting into this new season of Heroes but eventually I just gave up

Fighting Global Warming!

That's Captain Planet's Job

I don't think so.

im putting together a collab under that name.
check it here http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/1011134

Sorry, I don't think my noobishness is good enough for it, I got CS4 4 days ago and loaded it today!

i was the exact same way, loved season 1, disliked season 2, and HATED season 3...i was so fucking pissed...

but guess who came back? at the end of season 1, the original writer left heroes for Pushing Daisies, and has now come back! for the 4th season, so hopefully when that starts up, it will be good, he says "i hope to clean the series up and make the fans appreciate the season like they used to"

Heroes is a great serie, season 3 rocked I watched every week, it's true the show kinda "flipped" from the first season, but that doesn't make it a bad one.

And for the plot, about saving the world and everything... They're Heroes!

They had so many new characters they didn't know what to do with them, and by the end of season 3 everything was a mess. They tryied to go for the 'noone is good, everyone can turn evil at any time and vice versa' approach, but is just ended up fucking confusing

Heroes always sucked broseph

Who here hates stupid fucking emo-tastical Claire?

I felt it to be slightly better than Season 2... Now that ain't saying much though...

When Sylar went back to being SYlar I was happy hoping there'd be some awesome coming by, but he was used as a jigsaw faggot to write Clairs mom. The Ando thing could be built up as pure awesome, only to be used a comic relief in comparison to the moody Fight between the Petrellis. Fucking bullshit.

I am looking forward to the collab though.

Yeah, i thought Heroes made no sense and sucked since it started.

Loved the season with the exception of the last episode.

the first season was pretty epic
second was awful
3 started good but when that artur person got in it sucked even more then lost started doing after a while

Dan, I could not be more pleased with this information. Rip that show a new asshole, but make sure to patch it up. I mean, they're already shitting on prime-time television programming, so we wouldn't want that to continue.

By the way, you need to call us and let us know when you're coming back in town. For real.

yeah it just wasnt that good :(

left 4 dead is awesome!!!!!!!

the only thing it had was the hot cheerleader that you hoped would get boned on screen. thats it

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