Hey everyone. Today I finished my Senior Animation Film. It's an animated teaser trailer for a graphic novel I've been working on for a while called VERDACOMB. I plan on beginning production on the script and drawings once I graduate, but for now I've uploaded the animation to the internet. The video I have uploaded to NG is a little lower quality because the way I exported the movie forced me to re-export through flash with an FLV and a higher quality put me at 32 or so mb. If you are interested in a higher quality viewing there are links below. Enjoy!
This is the Vimeo link.
Awesome work! Love the intuitive design choices (judging, etc) that didn't require vocals :D
Yeah I had previously designed the cartoon around voice overs, but discovered that the voice overs themselves were constricting the movie and the scenes, since I was forced to capture the moments in the breath of a sentence. The judgement cards came to me one night like a flash of light and I just started the storyboards over and created an entire new monster.