I'm beginning Episode Two of ALEX SERYOUA... as soon as I finish my comic page I'm doing for Han's ODD comic collab. And my part of the Pico Day Collab. And the TSAH3 segment. And my Photography II final Project. By the time I get to that I'll have to deal with Exams. From now till then I'll probably be writing some scripts and dealing with a few people that have approached me over PM's about voice acting. Might just get that out of the way before I head onto backgrounds and character designs. OFFICE SPIDER Episode 5 is still in the list.
And here's a large piece of news, KNEE DEEP IN DEATH 3 will appear as a Halloween special this year. I plan to work on that during the summer, on side with AS episodes. The third zombie cartoon will be very brutal and morbid compared to the other two. I've come a long way since KDID2. I want it to be really crazy and out of control. I already have Raining Blood by Slayer to be the background music. Can't wait to get that started.
Also, I will be appearing at Comic Con with the AlmightyHans and my uncle, who makes professional Halloween masks and has crazy makeup kits. I may even dress up as Indiana Jones for one of the days. It'll be awesome. Can't wait to meet Tom and who ever else is out there. I've never been past Colorado, so the whole California thing will be a new experience. I'm sure it's hot as balls. But that's all for now. I'll let you in on other news later.
Below is my entry for the Pico Day Art Contest, in which I redesigned the TANKMEN to look more realistic, while keeping the traditional tank in the picture.
Happy to hear that Office Spider will live on... I just love that f'ing thing...
Looking forward to more ALEX SERYOUA, and see ya at Comic-Con! My whole life revolves around finishing CC before Comic-Con... like a prisoner digging a hole to freedom.
I can't wait to see it. It looks to be a great game. I just wish you could sell it as a CD form instead of having to download it through the Xbox Live because my internet is so sluggish and terrible. Took forever just to get the Alien Hominid Demo on my console.