Whoo, can't wait!
Arrive without traveling.
Age 37, Male
Portland, OR
Joined on 9/18/06
Whoo, can't wait!
Hey there. I'm totally interested in doing a voice part for this. It lots fucking brilliant. Far better than Halomen.
I'm a friend of Hans' so if you want to check with him about my commitment capabilities, he's a reference I guess.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/search/title/ryan%20carell">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/sear ch/title/ryan%20carell</a>
I did the voices in those cartoons.
I have much more in the way of samples, and even a little demo reel if your interested.
Drop me a PM if you are. I'll add you to AIM and we can chat and send shit back and forth.
That sounds really freigin cool
The project looks quite good.
If any VA work is needed, I could be of service.
awesome drawing cant waith to come l love all of your stuffs dude
If you need someone with an havy accent, I'm your man!
Hey, I'd really like to help ya with some voice acting if you need it! I'll talk to ya sometime. I'm looking forward to this flash!
Well, I'm interested in doing voices.
Good stuff... its refreshing to see more female main chars. incorporated into animations. In this oppressing MALE DOMINATED main char. business.
I agree with you there. And she isn't perfect. She has flaws and weaknesses and is insecure about her abilities. I'm slowly breathing life into this character. It's really enjoyable.
This is looking great! The poster is awesome and definitely looks better with the aqua coloring.
I couldn't help as a voice actor unless you want a young male teenager voice (which I doubt you need).
Looking forward to it and good luck! :D
<a href="http://www..">www..</a>.
dude, you scare me D:
good hahha
Wow, this looks pretty intense. I'd be willing to off my voice and my several hundred dollar mic to this project. Always wanting to see the next big original project on NG happen. The promo loop looked great.
Oh, here's some samples of my voices that I made while messing around (it's pretty crazy):
<a href="http://media.putfile.com/Male-voices-11">http://media.putfile.com/Male-voices-
I can even do females:
<a href="http://media.putfile.com/Anime-girl-voices-demo-performed-by-an-adult-male">http://media.putfile.com/Anime-girl-v oices-demo-performed-by-an-adult-male </a>
funny that we've come from bashing each other's heads against the cyber wall to this...
hans and I are going to comic con btw. are you gunna be there?
"And she isn't perfect. She has flaws."
*cough disproportionatechest cough*
thats been taken care of....thank you very much. haha
the first episode should be ready in 2 weeks. maybe less. who knows.
finaly(secrety writes in notebook oh crap did i just write that out loud)
Well, since I left a review and you answered, asking explicitly what I liked about "ALEX SERYOUA" (despite the fact I actually told you what I liked about your movie), here is a list of all the best aspects of yuor movie:
- The pacing of the moive (how long each scene lasted) was pretty good.
- Your drawing skills are top notch, as can be attested by all the characters being very detailed and well drawn. It's probably the best part of your movie.
- The voice acting was good, although slightly strange (can't really explain why).
- The camerawork was terrific, really well done and much better than most movies.
- The story, although slightly clichéd, was interesting enough that I'm curious as to what's going to happen next, so that's obviously a plus.
And that's about it. Cheers!
im on acid. too.
Haha! It sucked! Bad!
I forgot to mention in my review -- all the captives look exactly like her, so it adds confusion. Are they clones or other people that have been picked up? And please, enough with the, "Stick around for some interesting answers." That's not quite how it's supposed to work. There's really no answer for some of the inconsistencies, and for this one, no answer could justify what's probably just lazy drawing.
Also, nice, how you vote (useless) on all the negative reviews. Charming. So go ahead and censor this, or vote (-) on it, or whatever. Your flash kinda sucked.
you're embarressing yourself man. i didn't even vote on the reviews. who the hell are you? you really dont have a life if your going to go to the trouble of finding my page, and ranting on my posts. this is messed up.
Best of luck with all your work.
Can't wait to see it.