Title is self-explanatory.
My computer is done. The hard drive decided to fry itself. Most of my flash work is gone. I managed to recover the .fla file for Episode 6 of Office Spider with the help of a few friends. Though, I have yet to get my hands on a flash program. The application on my external hard drive won't work on my girlfriend's computer.
I am losing a week and a half on flash work time, so everything I was working on is delayed. I have begun story-boarding a new flash though. It's going to be awesome. I guess I'll just be reading and playing video games until I go to Memphis to have it fixed.
Radio silence.
PS: lol this is not a pic of my comp. i googled "Fried Macbook hard drive"
This is a pic of a battery fire, but it was funny for the post.
Man...This seems to happen to alot of flash artist's, or the one's I know anyway.