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Arrive without traveling.

JIM MELON LEGION @danomano65

Age 37, Male



Portland, OR

Joined on 9/18/06

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danomano65's News

Posted by danomano65 - December 29th, 2008

So I got into HEROES because of my brother and step-dad. They let me borrow season 1 when it first came out on DVD. I didn't follow it on tv at all. I found the show to be well paced and a good vision of how real people would deal with super powers. And the end of the world crap. The season came to a close at a sort of cool battle with Sylar, the visions and paintings were all converging, blah blah.

Season 2 was sort of hard to watch, although the story actually made sense in it's own way. The writer's strike is partly to blame for its lacking. I even saw the Season 3 premiere at Comic Con and was stoked by how they incorporated the cliffhanger ending and the idea of everyone getting powers. Everyone cheered when Suresh injected himself and was strong. As the season went, I became less interested. The show seemed to be backtracking, going in circles.

The Season 3 finale, which I just watched on Hulu, was the worst episode of the season in my opinion. And has officially ruined my interest in the show. Nothing about the finale made sense. Claire's mom appears out of no where, only to complete a storyline that was dumb from the beginning. Especially how her and her brother caused that train wreck that Claire ran into in Season 1. Sylar becomes Jigsaw for a brief moment, locking everyone in the Company and making Claire choose who to save or some shit. People are losing their powers left and right. Hiro is hanging from a flag pole in the past, only to be brought back by Ando and Daphne because Ando now can supercharge other people's powers. Obviously if he touches Daphne, she'd be able to move sooo fast that she can time travel. Both ways. Does she just run in the opposite direction?

Then to top it all off, Nathan meets up with the President, gives him a folder of pictures and files, and expects him to believe that these people have super powers. Oh, and they should lock everyone up like in X-Men. So many people died in this season, I'm just waiting to see the new batch of heroes that have been minding their own business out in the world while all this shit has been going down. The show is running out of powers anyways. I thought the guy making vortexes was enough. What's next? Super hearing? Oh wait, they already did that one. Well they reused flying 3 times. Why not.

Also, the plot is always the same. Saving the world. Human bombs. Viruses. Everyone having powers. Maybe they should fight global warming next. Ohh oh, but PLOT TWIST. It's actually some guy making underground dams so that communities think it's global warming and will fund his business. Wait. Quantum of Solace did that. Yeah, that movie sucked too. Yeahh, lets just have them be fugitives. GODDAMN IT! X-MEN!

Yeah this show sucks now.

I have now decided to make a Queeroes Collab. I'll make a post in the forums. I'll organize it KartuneHustlla and anyone else interested in tearing down this son of a bitch season.
More info HERE.

Additional Comments:

KartuneHustla- "u know what, i wish sylars character was written to make sense. he is always changing. Hes like the easiest to change. im evil, no good, i love you ellie, now im gonna kill you, your my father, your not my father."


Posted by danomano65 - December 4th, 2008

The new episode of OFFICE SPIDER will be in the portal either tomorrow, or this weekend.
I've decided to make it a Christmas Special, and enter it into the NG Holiday Contest.
I hope everyone enjoys it!

AlmightyHans will have a comic released in a month or so. I did two pages on that. Everyone should check it out. The collab turned out great and there's a lot of talent behind it.

I'll be in LA for about two weeks starting Friday. Very excited.

Merry Christmas.



Posted by danomano65 - November 14th, 2008

Ok. So I've been out of the Newgrounds loop for a while. Made a flop with the Knee Deep 3. It wasn't long enough. I didn't put my heart into it. I've decided to go back to my roots. Again. Make an episode worth watching.

I have about a minute done of OFFICE SPIDER 6. I had a game planned for this episode. That failed miserably since my computer crashed. I was also working on an episode, which would have been 7. Both of the .fla files were lost. So this is an original episode. I plan on making it a decent length. Spending a lot of time on this one. It'll be funny too. At least I think so.

That's all the news I have for now.


Posted by danomano65 - October 13th, 2008

Geometric Organism.
I drew this up in class and colored it on photoshop.

Posted on CAMPNORTH and DesignsbyHumans.
You can see my CampNorth page here.


New Art for DesignsbyHumans and CAMPNORTH.

Posted by danomano65 - October 6th, 2008

Hello everyone. I've decided to officially start production on KNEE DEEP IN DEATH 3.
I think I have a strong premise in mind. I don't know how long it will be. I just want to work on something after school this week so I am going to do this. Halloween will be the release date. Or a day or so before. Not sure. Depends on where I am. I don't want to have to upload in another city or on the road, and not have an internet connection guaranteed. So there's some news everyone. Woot.

KNEE DEEP IN DEATH 3 Underway.  Halloween Release Date.

Posted by danomano65 - September 24th, 2008

Hello everyone.
I'm now two weeks into my SCAD Atlanta experience.
Things are going well. I have not been animating. I've been doing homework and chilling.
On weekends I visit my girlfriend in Savannah, which is where I'll be going to school next semester.
I hope to get some kind of animation together over winter break.
The work loads here are just too big for side animations.
And plus I've been on a break.

Anyways. Here's a piece I did today using two polaroids and permanent markers.
View more at my CampNorth page here.


SCAD and Polaroid Art

Posted by danomano65 - August 27th, 2008

Lately I've been drawing a lot. Not particularly for the graphic novel, but just for fun.
I've been uploading all my new stuff on CAMP NORTH. Awesome site. Beats the hell out of DevArt.

Go check it out here.


Posted by danomano65 - August 19th, 2008

ALEX SERYOUA: Graphic Novel.
I have made a thread in the Art Forum, which contains a few sketches and one actual frame of line art.
I plan on showcasing the novel at a booth in the 2010 Comic Con. Hopefully it is finished and printed by then!

I will be adding sketches and frames, maybe even pages, to this thread as I go.

Alex Seryoua Graphic Novel News.

Posted by danomano65 - August 17th, 2008

Take me on.

Me. My AK47. And Apple Juice.

Posted by danomano65 - August 11th, 2008

My life has been crazy for 3 straight weeks.

I went to COMIC CON. It was awesome. Holy crap.
Then I went to LOLLAPALOOZA and saw Nine Inch Nails, The GO Team, Bloc Party, Radiohead, Broken Social Scene, Wilco. The list goes on.

And I am now single for reasons undisclosed on this blog. So I've been on a week of partying and hanging out with friends all over town at every house and waking up on strange couches. I started a Comic Con flash before I went to Chicago, but things in my personal life have changed. COMIC CON inspired me to turn ALEX SERYOUA into a graphic novel.

I am going to draw and color the novel for the next year and a half. And then I will begin my search for a printing company of some sort. Next year at COMIC CON I am going to register for a booth in the independent comic square for 2010. Hopefully I will have a table with AlmightyHans and my friend Ed, who is starting his own comic. I also have a friend who is willing to dress up as Alex and stand by the booth/walk around the convention center with fliers.

So for now. All things FLASH ORIENTED have been postponed.

Here is a full page panel from the first chapter, which is what the flash cartoon Episode One represents.
I'm much more excited about this project as a book than a cartoon.

This Is What's Happening Right Now.