Hello everyone. I haven't submitted anything for several weeks. I was hounded by finals, while Pico Day unfolded. Then I disappeared for more than a week to the depths of Memphis, where I went to High School. I thought I would be there for a weekend, so I left my computer in Knoxville. Turns out I stayed a week, say SPEED RACER twice, IRON MAN twice, and PRINCE CASPIAN earlier this evening. Can't wait for INDY 4, DARK KNIGHT, WALL-E, and PINEAPPLE EXPRESS. Great summer movie line up.
LOST Season Four is coming to a close soon. I'm not sure how many LOST fans there are on Newgrounds and how many of them coincidentally read my blog, but if you've seen my flash gallery you'd know I'm a fan. I've absolutely loved this season. The story structure has been amazing. I loved the way they presented the events of the Oceanic 6 through Flash Forwards, which have been progressively moving backward to this point in time; the moment they make it off the island and the catastrophic events that take place. I have no idea what will happen... and I love it.
I'm currently posting from Nashville. My girlfriend's parents computer. Tomorrow evening I'll be back at it, first off I want to punch out OFFICE SPIDER 5. It's been a long time coming and I've been swamped/procrastinating. After that, the OFFICE SPIDER GAME, which I have every intention on making awesomely fun. Then I plan on returning to the ALEX SERYOUA schedule with background art, scripts, and voices. When the second episode is completed, I'll begin KNEE DEEP IN DEATH III, just in time to have months to make it an awesome Halloween '08 submission. All the while I will hopefully be enrolled at SCAD Atlanta, working on animation and furthering my mission to get a PIXAR internship.
I can't wait for Comic Con and Lollapalooza, but for now I have some work to do.